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Student-led Clubs and Organizations

SLU-Madrid is home to an abundance of clubs and organizations that cater to a wide variety of interests. Whether distributing meals to the homeless, sharing common athletic or academic interests or creating a safe space to discuss social issues, there's bound to be something for you.

Interested in chartering your own club or organization? Contact Student Life Program Assistant Victoria Taylor at victoriaandreina.taylor@slu.edu.

A student holds a large wooden tray covered in lettuce and other vegetables while several others look on.
Arab Club

The Arab Club aims to provide Arab students at SLU-Madrid with not only a sense of cultural community but also allow them to share and provide insight into the Arab culture to non-Arabs through participation in cultural traditions. Members of the Arab Club also organize aid to help Arab communities in need. 

Art Club

If you're interested in making art and meeting new people, or if you simply want to know more about art and art history, consider joining the art club! We will visit museums and have discussions over coffee or drinks and some events surrounding making art will be on the table for everyone to enjoy.

Asian Culture  Club

The Asian Culture Club (ACC) will aim to celebrate the diverse and unique cultures that span across Asia. It will provide a space for Asian students of different upbringings and backgrounds to discuss the challenges and opportunities that come with being Asian in today's age. Furthermore, the club will aim to spread awareness about the diverse community of Asians at SLU Madrid by being open to members coming from non-Asian backgrounds by allowing them to learn about the unique lives of Asians through cultural discussions, cuisine, and cultural events that will allow members to experience a multi-faceted approach to the diverse culture that permeates throughout Asia. 

Balkan/Eastern European Culture Club

BEECC aims to provide students information about Balkan and Eastern European Culture by sharing and embracing its culture through educational presentations, movie nights and food experiences.

Black Students Organization

The Black Students Organization works on both celebrating and educating the SLU community about Black culture, including an understanding of its struggles.


We make bocadillos (sandwiches) and distribute them among homeless people in the city center. But the sandwich is only a pretext; our main goal is to give them the dignity they deserve by sitting with them and listening as we all share our life stories.

Book Club

Why not enjoy one of your favorite pastimes while getting to know your international classmates and learning from their varied opinions? We are looking forward to turning new pages with you.

  • Student leader: Currently seeking student leadership. Email the club advisor if you are interested.
  • Advisor: Anne Dewey (anne.dewey@slu.edu)
Campus Ambassadors Club

Campus Ambassadors are true men and women for others. They serve their peers during Welcome Weeks and throughout the semester and collaborate with staff and faculty in receiving important guests and speakers at academic and recruitment events.

Chess Club

Chess is an exercise for the mind. Chess players learn to focus, visualize, strategize, analyze and think abstractly. Not a grandmaster? Not to worry. Don't know how to play? We'll teach you.

Climbing Club

The Climbing Club organizes indoor and outdoor climbing activities around Madrid. It's a great way to connect with the community through nature and recreational activities while also learning more about rock climbing itself. Anyone is welcome to join, and we hope to see you soon!

Community Garden Club

The goal of the Community Garden Club is to help students gain new gardening skills, foster community-building, and cultivate a garden. Gardening is beneficial for mental health, and we welcome all members to join us! 

Convivium Club

The goal of the Convivium Club is to cultivate creativity on campus by hosting art and open mic contests as well as magazine creation and "Art in the Park" events. Convivium is a club that works diligently to support each student in their creative endeavors. 

Cross Cultural Club (CCC)

The Cross Cultural Club (CCC) offers SLU students a unique opportunity to interact with a variety of cultures represented on campus. This club aims to raise awareness and appreciation for our diverse student body and gives students the opportunity to learn about other cultures and make lifelong friendships. We offer you the chance to participate in exciting activities and give you the freedom to present your ideas and incorporate pieces of your own culture into this club. We hope to see you all soon!

Dance Club

The Dance Club is an inclusive dance community at SLU-Madrid. Primary activities will include dance classes and workshops, and social dance events in "salas de baile" around Madrid. This club is a great way for students to meet new people who enjoy dancing, experience dance culture in Spain, and promote fitness and wellbeing.  

Engineering and Computer Science Club

The Engineering and Computer Science Club aims to allow STEM students to bring topics and ideas from lectures to the real world via student-led projects. 

Entrepreneurship Club

This student-led association's purpose and primary activities are the following:

  • To find, discover and organize business ideas and turn them into start-up projects.
  • Research how the entrepreneurship world functions.
  • Brainstorm business ideas.
  • Learn how to start a business, seek investors and promote/market the product.
  • Hold conferences with other business-related student clubs and organizations.
  • Invite guest speakers and hold discussions and workshops.
Environment Club

An initiative for a better tomorrow. An organization for the true citizens of Earth, who want to create a better place to live in. "It's better to make our planet 'Earth' worth living rather than searching for some other in the Cosmos."

Fashion Club

Fashion Club aims to give students who like fashion an opportunity to expand their knowledge, network and offer a safe environment to express themselves freely.

Future Medical Professional Club

The Future Medical Professional Club offers students an opportunity to acquire information about future and present medical events. The club aims to not only help students determine how and where they see themselves in the medical field but helps them stay informed regarding all aspects of the industry. 

Global Thought Club

Formerly known as the International Relations Society. Learn about international politics, share your views and discover how you can make a difference.

  • Student leader: Currently seeking student leadership. Email the club advisor if you are interested.
  • Advisor: Simona Rentea (simona.rentea@slu.edu)
Gourmet Club

The Gourmet Club connects people with a common interest of fine cooking and discovering and trying new flavors. We meet to cook and try fine dishes from around the world.

Green Bandana Project at SLU-Madrid

A student鈥搇ed mental health organization in which students are trained to respond to mental health crises. Students within this organization wear green bandanas on their backpacks as a sign to reduce the stigma around mental health. 

Through this peer-on-peer initiative, students are immersed in a great support network where they feel safe and included on campus regarding mental health.

History Club

The aim of the History Club is to provide a space on campus for students who have a passion for the subjects of history and humanities to converse and share ideas while promoting academic enrichment.

Honors Club

Honors students get together for lectures, movies, volunteer opportunities and leisure activities. Join us and see if you would like to become part of the SLU-Madrid Honors program.

  • Student leader: Currently seeking student leadership. Email the club advisor if you are interested.
  • Advisor: Dr. Anne Dewey (anne.dewey@slu.edu)
Human Rights Club

The Human Rights Club brings together students and faculty interested in the history, theory and practice of human rights. Every semester, we organize a series of activities, including (but not limited to) documentary/movie screenings, discussions, debates, awareness activities and volunteer opportunities.

Improv Club

The Improv Club aims to provide a safe space for members to experiment with their artistic expression and dramatic interpretation through "Open Swim" Improv sessions and occasional public performances.

International Crises Club

The club aims to expand the conversation regarding key international issues by providing a safe space and the right tools to learn more about such subjects.

Latine Student Union

To showcase Latine culture by creating a safe space for students to feel welcomed, offering educational opportunities for students of other nationalities to learn about Latine cultures, and providing a culturally accepting ambiance for the SLU-Madrid Community.

Neurodiversity Club

Neurodiversity Club aims to raise awareness about mental health disabilities; advocate and provide a safe space for neurodivergent students; and host workshops with experienced guest speakers on the topic.

Tennis Club

The Tennis Club offers you the opportunity to continue practicing your favorite sport! Through exercise, outdoor activities, and practices to gain more experience, with occasional friendly matches, it is by far the ultimate way to meet new friends and stay connected.

The NewSLU

The NewSLU provides students with the opportunity to share their ideas, collect articles and opinion pieces as well as promote student experiences, all while learning about the journalistic process.

Philosophy Club

To expand our knowledge and make new friends. Get together to read and discuss philosophical texts.

  • Student leader: Currently seeking student leadership. Email the club advisor if you are interested.
  • Advisor: Bernhard Obsieger (bernhard.obsieger@slu.edu)
Photo Club

The SLU-Madrid Photo Club helps spread creativity on campus by allowing students to express themselves through photography. Along with creating a community of expression, members of the Photo Club participate in individual and group photography sessions throughout various neighborhoods within Madrid.  

Pre-Health Club

Learn about important health issues and help raise awareness and funds for health-related research.

Pride Club

The Pride Club is a space to celebrate the LGBTQ+ community at SLU-Madrid through various events and activities designed to promote pride, education and support for the queer community on campus and beyond. All students are invited to learn, grow and support the community in a safe, welcoming environment. 

Running Club
  • Student leader: Currently seeking student leadership. Email the club advisor if you are interested.
  • Advisor: C茅sar Rioja (cesar.rioja@slu.edu)
Sierra Club

Madrid isn't really a concrete jungle. Explore the greener, and lesser-known, side of the province through the Sierra Club.

Ski Club

The Ski Club offers you the opportunity to continue practicing your favorite sport. And if you've never tried it, this is your big chance. The club takes a trip each semester.

Student Government Association

The Student Government Association (SGA) works to improve the overall college experience for all students at SLU-Madrid. We listen to students and represent them.

If you want to express your ideas or communicate your concerns, contact us at sgamadrid@slu.edu or fill out our .

Our Mission

We, the associated students of 新澳门六合彩开奖结果 鈥 Madrid Campus, in order to establish a representative student government, to provide an open forum for dialogue and a voice for student opinions concerning the affairs of the Madrid Campus; to involve students in a productive partnership of shared governance with the faculty, staff and administration of the University; to promote the welfare and unity of the greater student community; and to uphold the ideals and values of the Jesuit Catholic tradition, especially the ideal of men and women for others.

Download the SGA Constitution (PDF)

Organizational Structure

SGA's leadership is made up of:

  • President
  • Vice president
  • Communication officer
  • Events manager
  • Treasurer

Students select these representatives through a campus-wide election that takes place in the spring semester of each academic year.

Yoga Club

The Yoga Club aims to provide a stress-relieving environment to promote meditation and lower anxiety in an effort to improve mental health.