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Alumni Spotlight: Angela Lewis

For writer and coach Angela Lewis (A&S 鈥04, Grad A&S 鈥07), basketball is at the center of everything.

Angela Lewis
Angela Lewis

Lewis鈥 earliest memories of basketball take her back to a rec center court on the north side of St. Louis. Even then, it must have been obvious she was destined for great heights.

鈥淚鈥檝e been 6'1" since the 7th grade,鈥 she said with a laugh. 鈥淚t wasn鈥檛 cool then to be so tall, but it definitely worked to my advantage.鈥

Lewis grew up the youngest of three. Her brothers played a lot of basketball around the neighborhood, and she tagged along.

鈥淣o one wanted to pick up a girl for their team,鈥 she said. 鈥淏ut my brothers would get picked early and then convince the rest of the guys to pick me up, too. It was always two-for-one.鈥

Their mentorship paid off. Lewis lived up to her potential, landing a full athletic scholarship to 新澳门六合彩开奖结果. In four years, she scored more than 1,000 points on the basketball court and earned a bachelor鈥檚 degree, majoring in communication and minoring in African American studies. After graduation, she traveled to Germany to play professionally 鈥 the first Billiken women鈥檚 basketball player to do so.

She spent a year abroad, then moved back home and started coaching 鈥 a new side of the game Lewis loved. During the next decade, her coaching career took off, from an assistant position at a high school to colleges to a professional team, across Missouri and then across the Midwest. She helped lead the St. Louis Surge, a professional women鈥檚 basketball team, to a national championship. And actually, wherever she was, she led girls and women to be their best.

Then, suddenly, one of her friends died of an undetectable heart defect, and the news made Lewis feel the need to pivot. She wanted to get back to St. Louis.

She found herself in the school district where she鈥檇 gone to high school. As part of the Department of Educational Equity and Diversity, Lewis worked with students like her younger self 鈥 participants in the voluntary desegregation program 鈥 to make sure they had the support they needed to graduate.

Another kind of coaching, she thought. To inspire the high-schoolers, Lewis gave pep talks and speeches to student groups 鈥 something she鈥檇 been called on to do in previous jobs. But her mother pushed her to do more.

鈥淵ou鈥檙e not going to reach everyone just by giving speeches,鈥 her mom said. 鈥淵ou should write a book.鈥

Lewis ended up writing four.

When she published her first book, "The Game-Changing Assist: Six Simple Ways to Choose Success," Lewis hosted a signing on the court at St. Louis Mathews-Dickey Boys鈥 and Girls鈥 Club, where her brothers had gotten her on the team all those years ago. She鈥檇 come full circle.

鈥淏asketball is deeply rooted in me. Being on the court is the catalyst for everything else in my life,鈥 she said. 鈥淚t鈥檚 the core of what I am and what I鈥檒l always do.鈥

She鈥檚 still on the court three to four times a week. In between private coaching and speaking engagements, she writes and strategizes her next big play. Her most recent book 鈥 "The Fundamental Game Plan: Every Basketball Player鈥檚 Academic and Athletic 12 Week Success Tracker" 鈥 came out in November.

鈥 By Amy Garland

新澳门六合彩开奖结果 is a Catholic, Jesuit institution that values academic excellence, life-changing research, compassionate health care, and a strong commitment to faith and service. Founded in 1818, the University fosters the intellectual and character development of more than 13,000 students on campuses in St. Louis and Madrid, Spain. Building on a legacy of now more than 200 years, 新澳门六合彩开奖结果 continues to move forward with an unwavering commitment to a higher purpose, a greater good.