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Lupei Zhu, Ph.D.

Professor of Geophysics
Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences

Courses Taught

Seismology and Nuclear Explosions; Computer Applications; Environmental Science Seminar; Earth Dynamics; Seismic Exploration Methods; Continuum Mechanics; Geodynamics; Modeling Seismic Waveforms; Geoscience Journal Club; Geophysics Inverse Theory; Active Deformation of the Continents; Advanced Seismology II


Ph.D., Caltech, 1998
M.S., Institute of Geophysics, State Seismological Bureau, 1988
B.S., University of Science and Technology o China, 1985

Research Interests

  • [http://www.eas.slu.edu/People/LZhu/research/WabashValley/project.html] The 2013-2016 Wabash Valley Seismic Experiment
  • [http://www.eas.slu.edu/People/LZhu/research/lushan.pdf] Moment tensor inversion using 3D Green's functions
  • [http://www.eas.slu.edu/People/LZhu/research/hubei.pdf] Lower-crust delamination and continental extension in eastern China
  • [http://www.eas.slu.edu/People/LZhu/research/ileq.pdf] The 2008 M5.4 Mt. Carmel, IL earthquake
  • [http://www.eas.slu.edu/People/LZhu/research/taiwan.pdf] Crustal structure of Taiwan from teleseismic receiver function analysis
  • [http://www.eas.slu.edu/People/LZhu/research/turkey.ppt] Seismic experiment in western Anatolia
  • [http://www.eas.slu.edu/People/LZhu/research/lab/LA_Basin_project.html] Los Angeles Basin structure and strong-motion prediction
  • [http://www.eas.slu.edu/People/LZhu/research/LandersFZ/LandersFZ_project.html] Landers fault zone structure
  • [http://www.eas.slu.edu/People/LZhu/research/larse/prf.gif] High resolution imaging of deep crustal structures across plate boundary
  • [http://www.eas.slu.edu/People/LZhu/research/scal/src.html] Rapid earthquake source estimation and [http://www.eas.slu.edu/People/LZhu/research/EW/early_warning.html] early warning
  • Mapping [http://www.eas.slu.edu/People/LZhu/research/scal/moho.html] 3D variation of Moho depth in southern California using teleseismic receiver function
  • [http://www.eas.slu.edu/People/LZhu/research/tibet/intro.html] Lithospheric structure of the Tibetan Plateau and tectonics of India-Eurasia continental collision
  • Earthquake source depth distribution and seismogenic zone
  • Nuclear test detection and CTBT verification

Publications and Media Placements

Li, J., X. D. Song, L. Zhu, and Y. Deng, 2017, Joint inversion of surface wave dispersions and receiver functions with P-velocity constraints: Application to southeastern Tibet. JGR, .

Wang, X. C., Y. H. Li, Z. F. Ding, L. Zhu, C. Y. Wang, X. W. Bao, and Y. Wu, 2017, 3D Lithospheric S-wave velocity model of the NE Tibetan Plateau and western North China Craton. JGR, .

Wang, Y., L. Zhu, F. Shi, A. Schubnel, N. Hilaret, T. Yu, M. Rivers, J. Gasc, A. Addad, D. Deldicque, Z. Li, and F. Brunet, 2017 A laboratory nanoseismological study on deep-focus earthquake micromechanics. Sci. Adv., 3, e1601896. .

Hu, S., and L. Zhu, 2017, Calculation of Differential Seismograms Using Analytic Partial Derivatives - I Teleseismic Receiver Functions. GJI, .

Xu, Y., L. Zhu, Q. Wang, Y. Luo, and J. Xia, 2017, Heat shielding effects in the Earth's crust. J. Earth Sci., .

Tang, C. C., L. Zhu, and R. Huang, 2016, Empirical Mw-ML, mb, and Ms conversions in western China. BSSA, .

Xu, Y., S. Zhang, W. L. Griffin, Y. Yang, B. Yang, Y. Luo, L. Zhu, J. C. Afonso, and B. Lei, 2016, How did the Dabie Orogen Collapse? Insights from 3D Magnetotelluric Imaging of Profile Data. JGR, .

Xu, Y., B. Yang, S. Zhang, Y. Liu, L. Zhu, R. Huang, C. Chen, Y. Li, and Y. Luo, 2016, Magnetotelluric Imaging of a Fossil Paleozoic Intra-oceanic Subduction Zone in Western Junggar, NW China. JGR, .

Wang, X. C., Z. F. Ding, and, L. Zhu, 2016, Lithospheric Structure of the Northeastern North China Craton Imaged by S Receiver Functions. PAGEOPH, .

Luo, S., Y. Luo, L. Zhu, and Y. Xu, 2016, On the reliability and limitations of the SPAC method with directional wavefield. J. Appl. Geophys., 126, 172-182, .

Zhu, L., and X. F. Zhou, 2016, Seismic moment tensor inversion using 3D velocity model and its application to the 2013 Lushan earthquake sequence. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, .

Miao Peng, Mei Jiang, Zhong-Hai Li, Zhiqin Xu, Lupei Zhu, Winston Chan, Youlin Chen, Youxue Wang, Changqing Yu, Jianshe Lei, Lishu Zhang, Qingqing Li, and Lehong Xu, 2016, Complex Indian subduction style with slab fragmentation beneath the Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis revealed by teleseismic P-wave tomography.Tectonophysics, 667, 77-86, .

Huang, R., Y. Xu, L. Zhu, and K. He, 2015, Detailed Moho geometry beneath southeastern China and its implications on thinning of continental crust, J. Asian Earth Sci., 112, 42-48, .

Chen, W., S. Ni, H. Kanamori, S. Wei, Z. Jia, and L. Zhu, 2015, CAPjoint, a computer software package for joint inversion of moderate earthquake source parameters with local and teleseismic waveforms. Seis. R. Lett., 86, 432-441, .

Ross, Z. E., Y. Ben-Zion, and L. Zhu, 2015, Isotropic source terms of San Jacinto fault zone earthquakes based on waveform inversions with a generalized CAP method.Geophys. J. Int, 200, 1269-1280, .

Huang, R., L. Zhu, and Y. Xu, 2014, Crustal structure of Hubei province of China from teleseismic receiver functions: evidence for lower crustal delamination.Tectonophysics, 636, 286-292, .

Wang, C. Y., E. Sandvol, L. Zhu, H. Lou, Z. Yao, and X. Luo, 2014, Lateral variation of crustal structure in the Ordos block and surrounding regions, North China, and its tectonic implications, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 387, 198-211, .

D'Amico, S., B. Orecchio, D. Presti, G. Neri, W. Wu, I. Sandu, L. Zhu, R. B. Herrmann, 2013, Source parameters of small and moderate earthquakes in the area of the 2009 L'Aquila earthquake sequence (central Italy). Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 63, 77-91, .

Nguyen, V.-D., B.-S. Huang, T.-S. Le, V.-T. Dinh, L. Zhu, K.-L. Wen, 2013, Constraints on the crustal structure of northern Vietnam based on analysis of teleseismic converted waves. Tectonophysics, 601, 87-97, .

L. Zhu and Y. Ben-Zion, 2013. Parameterization of general seismic potency and moment tensors for source inversion of seismic waveform data. Geophys. J. Int., 194, 839-843, .

Xu, Z. J., X. Song, and L. Zhu, 2012. Crustal and uppermost mantle S velocity structure under Hi-CLIMB seismic array in central Tibetan Plateau from joint inversion of surface wave dispersion and receiver function data. Tectonophysics, 584, 209-220, .

H. Yang, L. Zhu, and E. S. Cochran. 2011. Seismic structures of the Calico fault zone inferred from local earthquake travel time modelling. Geophys. J. Int., 186, 760-770, .

Risheng Chu, Shengji Wei, Don V. Helmberger, Zhongwen Zhan, L. Zhu, and Hiroo Kanamori. 2011. Initiation of the great Mw 9.0 Tohoku-Oki earthquake. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 308, 277-283, .

D'Amico, S., B. Orecchio, D. Presti, A. Gervasi, L. Zhu, I. Guerra, G. Neri and R. B. Herrmann, 2011, Testing the stability of moment tensor solutions for small earthquakes in the Calabro-Peloritan Arc region (southern Italy). Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata, 52, 283-298, .

Tang, Chi-Chia, L. Zhu, Chau-Huei Chen, and Ta-Liang Teng. 2010. Significant crustal variation across the Chaochou fault, southern Taiwan: new tectonic implications for convergent plate boundary. J. Asian Earth Sci., 41, 564-570, .

Li, H., and L. Zhu. 2010. Locating aftershocks using a small-aperture temporary seismic array. PAGEOPH, 167, .

Wang, C. Y., L. Zhu, H. Lou, B.-S. Huang, Z. Yao, and X. Luo. 2010. Crustal thicknesses and Poisson's ratios in the eastern Tibetan Plateau and their tectonic implications. J. Geophys. Res., 115, B11301, . (3)

Yang, H., and L. Zhu, 2010, Shallow low-velocity zone of the San Jacinto fault from local earthquake waveform modeling. Geophys. J. Int., 183, . (1)

Wang, H.-L., H.-W. Chen, and L. Zhu, 2010, Constraints on average Taiwan reference Moho discontinuity model - Receiver function analysis using BATS Data.Geophys. J. Int., 183, .

D'Amico, S., B. Orecchio, D. Presti, L. Zhu, R. B. Herrmann and G. Neri, 2010, Broadband waveform inversion of moderate earthquakes in the Messina Straits, southern Italy. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 179, 97-106, . (1)

Chu, R., D. V. Helmberger, D. Sun, J. M. Jackson, and L. Zhu, 2010, Mushy magma beneath Yellowstone. Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, . (2)

Wang, C.-Y., H. Lou, P. Silver, L. Zhu and L. Chang, 2009, Crustal structure variation along 30N in the eastern Tibetan Plateau and its tectonic implications. Earth and Planetary Sci. Lett., 289, 367-376, .

He, Chuansong, L. Zhu, and Qingcai Wang, 2009, The Significance of Crust Structure and Continental Dynamics Inferred from Receiver Functions in West Yunnan. Acta Geologica Sinica, 83(6), 1163-1172 (4)

Zhang, H., P. Wang, R. van der Hilst. N. Toksoz, C. Thurber and L. Zhu, 2009, Three-dimensional passive seismic waveform imaging around the SAFOD site, California, using the generalized Radon transform. Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, L23308, . (1)

Wang, H.-L., L. Zhu, and H.-W. Chen, 2009, Moho depth variation in Taiwan from teleseismic receiver functions. J. Asian Earth Sci., 37, 286-291, . (1)

Chu, R., L. Zhu, and D. V. Helmberger, 2009, Determination of Earthquake Focal Depths and Source Time Functions in Central Asia Using Teleseismic P Waveforms.Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, L17317, . (1)

Yang, H., L. Zhu, and R. Chu, 2009, Fault plane determination of the April 18, 2008 Mt. Carmel, Illinois earthquake by detecting and relocating aftershocks. BSSA, 99(6), 3413-3420, . (4)

Xu, Y., K. D. Koper, O. Sufri, L. Zhu, and A. R. Hutko, 2009, Rupture Imaging of the Mw 7.9 May 12, 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake From Backprojection of Teleseismic P waves. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 10, Q04006, . (12)

Wang ChunYong, Lou Hai, Lu ZhiYong, Wu JianPing, Chang LiJun, Dai ShiGui, You HuiChuan, Tang FangTou,Zhu LuPei and Paul Silver, 2008, S-wave crustal and upper mantle's velocity structure in the eastern Tibetan Plateau - Deep environment of lower crustal flow. Science in China Series D: Earth Sciences, 51, 263-274, . (8)

Zeng Rong-sheng, Wu Qing-ju, Ding Zhi-feng and Zhu Lu-pei, 2007, India-Eurasian collision vs. ocean-continent collision. Acta Seismologica Sinica, 20, 1-10, .

Li, H., A. Michelini, L. Zhu, F. Bernardi and M. Spada, 2007, Crustal Velocity Structure in Italy from Analysis of Regional Seismic Waveforms. BSSA, 97, 2024-2039, . (7)

Li, H., L. Zhu, and H. Yang, 2007, High-resolution Structures of the Landers Fault Zone Inferred from Aftershock Waveform Data. Geophys. J. Int., 171, . (7)

Akyol, N., L. Zhu, B. J. Mitchell, H. Sozbilir, and K. Kekovali, 2006, Crustal Structure and Local Seismicity in Western Anatolia. Geophys. J. Int., 166, 1259-1269,. (17)

Zhu, L., Y. Tan, D. V. Helmberger, and C. K. Saikia, 2006, Calibration of the Tibetan Plateau Using Regional Seismic Waveforms. PAGEOPH, 163, 1193-1213,. (6)

Zhu, L., N. Akyol, B. J. Mitchell, and H. Sozbilir, 2006, Seismotectonics of Western Turkey from High Resolution Earthquake Relocations and Moment Tensor Determinations. Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L07316, . (10)

Tan, Y., L. Zhu, D. V. Helmberger, and C. K. Saikia, 2006, Locating and Modeling Regional Earthquakes with Two Stations. J. Geophys. Res., 111, B01306,. (10)

Zhu, L., B. J. Mitchell, N. Akyol, I. Cemen, and K. Kekovali, 2006, Crustal Thickness Variation in the Aegean Region and its Implications for the Extension of Continental Crust. J. Geophys. Res., 111, B01301, . (28)

Leyton, F., K. Koper, L. Zhu, and M. Dombrovskaya, 2005, On the lack of seismic discontinuities within the inner core. Geophys. J. Int., 162, 779-786,. (3)

Zhu, L., 2003, Recovering Permanent Displacements from Seismic Records of the June 9, 1994 Bolivia Deep Earthquake. Geophys. Res. Lett., 30(14), 1740,. (6)

Peng, Z., Y. Ben-Zion, A. J. Michael, and L. Zhu, 2003, Quantitative analysis of seismic fault zone waves in the rupture zone of the 1992 Landers, California, earthquake: evidence for a shallow trapping structure. Geophys. J. Int., 155, 1021-1044, . (47)

Zhu, L., 2002, Deformation in the lower crust and downward extent of the San Andreas Fault as revealed by teleseismic waveforms. Earth, Planets and Space, 54(11),. (11)

Ben-Zion, Y., and L. Zhu, 2002, Potency-magnitude scaling relations for southern California earthquakes with 1.0 < ML < 7.0. Geophys. J. Int., 148, F1-F5,. (31)

Zhu, L., and L. A. Rivera, 2002, A note on the dynamic and static displacements from a point source in multi-layered media. Geophys. J. Int., 148, 619-627,. (51)

Helmberger, D. V., X. J. Song, and L. Zhu, 2001, Crustal complexity from regional waveform tomography: Aftershocks of the 1992 Landers earthquake, California. J. Geophys. Res., 106, 609-620, . (8)

Venkataraman, A., J. Mori, H. Kanamori, and L. Zhu, 2000, Fine structure of the rupture zone of the April 26 and 27, 1997, Northridge aftershocks. J. Geophys. Res., 105, 19085-19093, . (8)

Zhu, L., 2000, Crustal Structure across the San Andreas Fault, Southern California from Teleseismic Converted Waves. Earth and Planetary Sci. Lett., 179, 183-190, . (62)

Zhu, L., and H. Kanamori, 2000, Moho Depth Variation in Southern California from Teleseismic Receiver Functions. J. Geophys. Res., 105, 2969-2980, . (270)

Scientists from the USGS, SCEC, and CDMG, 2000, Preliminary report on the 16 October 1999 M 7.1 Hector Mine, California, Earthquake. Seismol. Res. Lett., 71(1), 11-23.

Zhu, L., and D. V. Helmberger, 1998, Moho offset across the northern margin of the Tibetan Plateau. Science, 281, 1170-1172, . (37)

Zhu, L., D. V. Helmberger, C. K. Saikia, and B. B. Woods, 1997, Regional Waveform Calibration in the Pamir-Hindu Kush Region. J. Geophys. Res., 102, 22799-22813, . (27)

Zhu, L., and D. V. Helmberger, 1996b, Intermediate Depth Earthquakes beneath the India-Tibet Collision Zone. Geophys. Res. Lett., 23, 435-438, . (33)

Zhu, L., and D. V. Helmberger, 1996a, Advancements in source estimation techniques using broadband regional seismograms. BSSA, 86, 1634-1641. (78)

Zhu, L., T. J. Owens, and G. E. Randall, 1995, Lateral Variation in Crustal Structure of the Northern Tibetan Plateau Inferred from Teleseismic Receiver Functions. BSSA, 85, 1531-1540. (34)

Zhu, L., R. S. Zeng, F. T. Wu, T. J. Owens, and G. E. Randall, 1993, Preliminary study of crust-upper mantle structure of the Tibetan Plateau by using broadband teleseismic body waveforms. Acta Seismologica Sinica, 6, 305-316, .

Zeng, R. S., L. Zhu, Z. He, Z. Ding, and W. Sun, 1991, A seismic source model of the large earthquakes in North China extensional basin and discussion on genetic processes of the extensional basin and earthquakes. Acta Geophysica Sinica, 34, 288-301.

Zhu, L., R. S. Zeng, and F. T. Liu, 1990b, Three dimensional P wave velocity structure under the Beijing network area. Acta Geophysica Sinica, 33, 267-277.

Zhu, L., R. S. Zeng, and F. T. Liu, 1990a, A new model parameterization method for inversion of three-dimensional velocity structure. Acta Geophysica Sinica, 33, 34-43.

Non-Refereed Publications

Pitarka, A., C. Saikia, B. Woods, L. Zhu, and R. Herrmann, 2006, Developing multiple-frequency discriminants for use with regional coda-amplitude measurements. In Proc. of the 28th Seismic Research Review: Ground-based Nuclear Explosion Monitoring Technologies, Orlando, FL.

Saikia, C. K., K. Mayeda, L. Zhu, and R. Herrmann, 2005, Developing multiple-frequency discriminants for use with regional coda-amplitude measurements. In Proc. of the 27th Seismic Research Review: Ground-based Nuclear Explosion Monitoring Technologies, Rancho Mirage, CA.

Zhu, L., 2004, [http://www.eas.slu.edu/People/LZhu/paper/tibet_tele.pdf] Lateral variation of the Tibetan lithospheric structure inferred from teleseismic waveforms. In Y. T. Chen et al. (eds.), Advancements in Seismology and Physics of the Earth Interior in China , Seismology Press, Beijing, 295-310.

Zhu, L., 2001, Deformation in the lower crust and extent of the San Andreas Fault as revealed by seismic waveforms. In Proc. of Int. Symposium on Slip and Flow in and below the Seismogenic Region, Sendai, Japan.

Zhu, L., 1998, Broadband Waveform Modeling and Its Application to the Lithospheric Structure of the Tibetan Plateau. PhD thesis, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena.

Zhu, L., and D. V. Helmberger, 1996, Crustal and Upper Mantle Structure of the Tibetan Plateau. In J.F Lewkowicz et al. (eds), Proc. of the 18th Annual Seismic Research Symposium on Monitoring a Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty , 439-447.

Zhu, L., and D. V. Helmberger, 1995, Focal mechanism determination and propagation characteristics of high-frequency S-waves on the Tibetan plateau. In J. F. Lewkowicz, J. M. McPhetres, and D. T. Reiter (eds), Proc. of the 17th Annual Seismic Research Symposium, volume PL-TR-95-2108, 702-710, Hanscom AFB, Mass., Phillips Lab.

Zhu, L., and D. V. Helmberger, 1994, Regional Earthquake Waveform Modeling on the Tibetan Plateau. In Proc. of the 16th Annual Seismic Research Symposium, Thornwood, New York, 407-413.

Zhu, L., R. S. Zeng, F. T. Wu, T. J. Owens, and G. E. Randall, 1992, Study on the crust-upper mantle structure of Qinghai-Tibet plateau by using broadband teleseismic body waveforms. In Ding Guoyu and Chen Zhangli (eds.) Continental Earthquakes - Selected Papers of the Second International Conference on Continental Earthquakes, Beijing, October 7-10, 1992. IASPEI Publication Series for the IDNDR, Volume 3, Seismological Press, Beijing, 259-266.

Zhu, L., 1988, Study on the inversion of 3D velocity structure of crust and upper mantle. M.Sc. thesis, Institute of Geophysics, SSB, Beijing, China. (in Chinese).

Zhu, L., 1985, The tau-p transformation of seismic wavefield and its downward continuation for inversion of velocity structure. B.Sc. thesis, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China. (in Chinese).