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FORMCHECKBOX  a) A report of SAE(s) that occurred within our institution, Indicate when the notification to the sponsor occurred:  FORMCHECKBOX  Check here if study is investigator initiated and there is no sponsor  FORMCHECKBOX  b) A report for SAE(s) that occurred externally where the SLU investigator is the head of a multicenter site and is the individual responsible for reporting all SAEs to the IRB.  FORMCHECKBOX  c) A report of an Unanticipated Problem that is also a Serious Adverse Event. 2. Provide a description of each new SAE or SAE/UP and describe medical actions taken and findings (REQUIRED). Attach any documentation from the Sponsor regarding the event(s) if applicable. Please use the  HYPERLINK "http://www.fda.gov/medwatch/getforms.htm" MedWatch form or similar format (discharge summary, ER report or clinical summary) to report relevant information and number each event to correspond with the event(s) listed in the table in Appendix A. Either complete the box below or attach separate sheet(s). Please include the timeline of events, whether the event occurred while subject was actively receiving treatment, relevant medical history, as well as, any other contributing information to support the designated relationship of the SAE. Repeat as necessary for each new SAE/UP. a) Event # (from column A on table) b) Description of event(s) and actions taken(s):  3. If the SAE or SAE/UP is not addressed in the consent form, please mark one of the following:  FORMCHECKBOX  a) The modified protocol, consent form, and a HYPERLINK "/research/faculty-resources/research-integrity-safety/institutional-review-board-irb/irb_assets/form_change-in-protocol_for_information_only.doc"change-in-protocol form are attached. Changes are highlighted.  FORMCHECKBOX  b) The modifications are forthcoming, pending the sponsors acceptance (acknowledgement from the sponsor regarding the changes should be attached).  FORMCHECKBOX  c) Modifications to the protocol/consent form are not required, a justification must be provided:  4. If the consent form does NOT currently address the risk of the SAE or SAE/UP, will subjects who are already enrolled at this site be informed of new risks?  FORMCHECKBOX  Yes, an addendum consent or revised consent form is attached or is forthcoming.  FORMCHECKBOX  If no, please check one of the following:  FORMCHECKBOX  a) All subjects have completed active participation  FORMCHECKBOX  b) All subjects are actively participating but the changes will not affect their participation. Please explain/provide justification.  FORMCHECKBOX  c) Other. Please explain/provide justification:  5. Please state the location where the SAE occurred/the patient presented.  6. Indicate whether the study is taking place at one of the following:  FORMCHECKBOX  SSM Health SLU Hospital (submit copy of SAE to  HYPERLINK "mailto:sluh.research@ssmhealth.com" sluh.research@ssmhealth.com)  FORMCHECKBOX  Other SSM Health Facility  FORMCHECKBOX  Not Applicable Items being submitted (please check all that apply) [ ] Revised protocol [ ] Revised consent form(s) [ ] Completed change-in-protocol form[ ] Sponsor SAE report [ ] Sponsor documentation regarding consent changes ______________________________________ ____________________ Signature of Principal Investigator Date FOR IRB USE ONLY IRB#: __________ _____________________________ _______________ Signature of IRB Chairperson Date or IRB Designee APPENDIX A CUMULATIVE TABLE OF STUDY SAEs NOTE: In the table below, indicate which events are new by highlighting in yellow or by (lightly) shading the applicable row(s). Since the table is cumulative, only new events should be highlighted each time the SAE report is submitted. Add new rows for additional events as needed. Follow-Up SAEs: If you are submitting a follow-up to a previously submitted SAE, insert a row into the table directly below the original SAE that is being followed-up. To insert a row, place your curser in the row of the original SAE. Then click on Table in the windows toolbar on the top of your screen. Next, select Insert from the drop down menu, then select Rows Below. If the original SAE is numbered 1, you should number the follow-up 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, and so on. A B C D E F G H Event #  Date Of SAE Initial Report F/U ID# Items that occurred( Key Words Relationship 1 = Not likely 2 = Possible 3 = Probable 4 = DefiniteSAE already In Consent Form? Y/N?1  2 3    Instructions: Note: The text boxes will expand as needed. Please number the events in consecutive order (e.g., 1, 2, 3). The most recent events should be placed last. When adding events to the table, highlight in yellow so that the IRB reviewer will know which event(s) are new. Follow-Up SAEs: If you are submitting a follow-up to a previously submitted SAE, insert a row into the table directly below the original SAE that is being followed-up. To insert a row, place your curser in the row of the original SAE. Then click on Table in the windows toolbar on the top of your screen. Next, select Insert from the drop down menu, then select Rows Below. If the original SAE is numbered 1, you should number the follow-up 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, and so on. Enter the original date of occurrence of the SAE. Check the appropriate option of submission: initial or follow-up Follow-up would only be marked if the original SAE had been previously submitted to the IRB office for the same subject. Fill in the unique subject ID number for each subject submitted. List the code letter for the appropriate item(s). H = Hospitalization PH = Prolonged Hospitalization PD = Resulted in permanent disability DISC = Discontinuation of drug/device for medical reasons DCA = Development of a congenital anomaly BD = Development of a birth defect CA = Cancer A = Autopsy performed LT= Life Threatening D = Death P = Pregnancy SME = Other Important/Significant Medical Event (Examples of such events include allergic bronchospasm requiring intensive treatment in an emergency room or at home, blood dyscrasias or convulsions that do not result in inpatient hospitalization, or the development of drug dependency or drug abuse.) Indicate Other and provide description for events that do not fall under one of the above categories. Indicate the key words of the SAE (pneumonia, renal failure, rash, etc.) There may be several key words. List all that are applicable. Choose option 1-4 to represent the relationship of causality of the SAE to the study (which may include the study drug or ancillary drugs, study procedures, the use of placebo, or randomization procedure). If sponsor reports do not use these designations of causality (for example, the reports state yes or no), then state their designation. If (3) probable or (4) definite is chosen, or the investigator believes that there is a sufficient number of similar AEs of (1) not likely or (2) possible events to cause concern, then a change-in-protocol form should be submitted. The risk section of the protocol and parts of the consent form, including the discussion of risks should be modified. The IRB may query the investigator to ascertain further details of the SAEs that would determine the necessity of protocol and consent modifications. Indicate if this SAE is already mentioned as a possible side effect in the consent form. IMPORTANT: Indicate which events are new by highlighting in yellow or by (lightly) shading the applicable row(s). If the highlighting or shading is too dark, the text will be unreadable on copies made of the report. Since the table is cumulative, only new events should be highlighted each time the SAE report is submitted. Add boxes as needed by putting the cursor in the last box of the table and hitting the tab key. This will add a new row to the table. ( Use these codes to complete column E: H = Hospitalization; PH = Prolonged Hospitalization; PD = Resulted in permanent disability; DISC = Discontinuation of drug/device for medical reasons; DCA = Development of a congenital anomaly; BD = Development of a birth defect; CA = Cancer; A = Autopsy performed; LT = Life Threatening; D = Death; P = Pregnancy; SME = Other Important/Significant Medical Event (Examples of such events include allergic bronchospasm requiring intensive treatment in an emergency room or at home, blood dyscrasias or convulsions that do not result in inpatient hospitalization, or the development of drug dependency or drug abuse.)     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