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Division of Enrollment Management

The аÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±½á¹û Division of Enrollment Management (EM) works collaboratively with the University community to build a strategic enrollment management (SEM) culture focused on achieving the University's student profile and success goals in a manner that is consistent with SLU's position as Catholic, Jesuit institution and national research university.

Fundamentally, EM provides a wide range of services and data resources to help maximize SLU's ability to attract, enroll, retain and graduate talented and diverse students who are dedicated to changing the world for the better. EM currently consists of more than 140 team members supporting nine departments.

Enrollment Management Leadership

About Rob Reddy, Interim Vice President of Enrollment Management

With more than 30 years of professional higher education experience in the areas of admission, financial aid, student accounts, data analytics, treasury services, veteran relations, advancement and college/university administration, Reddy became the Director of Administration and Financial Aid at Ottawa University in Ottawa, Kansas, (including additional national campuses) from 1997-2001 before moving on to Oberlin College and Conservatory in Oberlin, Ohio, to serve as the Director of Financial Aid from 2001-2018. Reddy is activity involved in the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators, Consortium on Financing Higher Education – Counsel on Financial Higher Education, The College Board, and the National Association for College Admission Counseling and has presented on admission, financial aid and enrollment management topics across the country. He served as a faculty member to NAACP’s Enrollment Management Institute, as well as the College Horizons program. He was elected to the Pennsylvania Association of Aid Administrators executive board and served as an advisory council member with Sallie Mae, College Board and USA Funds.

Contact Enrollment Management

Barbara Owens
Senior Administrative Assistant

Julianne Hunter
Business Manager

Office of Admission

The Office of Admission leads the University’s efforts to identify, support and enroll the most talented, diverse and dedicated students. The office assists prospective undergraduate and graduate students with their admission to SLU; oversees campus visit programs; provides outreach to high schools and community colleges, communicates to students and family members; participates in college and career fairs; and hosts receptions and college readiness workshops domestically and internationally.


The Office of Admission provides programs to attract and enroll students who have displayed academic and extracurricular excellence from a wide range of geographic areas and diverse backgrounds. Our staff members acknowledge the human dignity of all students and families through the Jesuit ideals and counsels students using the best practices of our profession.


The Office of Admission strives to continuously improve outreach and application processing procedures that set the benchmarks for other universities. We provide, build and maintain strong family and counselor relationships through collaborations with the greater University community while upholding the Jesuit tradition.

About Jean Marie Cox

Jean Marie Cox is SLU's associate vice president of enrollment and dean of admission. She joined the admission team in September of 2008. Prior to that, she served as the Director of Recruitment at Marshall University in West Virginia and held various positions at Louisiana State University in the Office of Undergraduate Admission and the Office of Recruitment.

She received her undergraduate and graduate degrees in public relations and human resource education from Southeast Missouri State University and Louisiana State University, respectively. She plans to complete the doctoral program in Educational Leadership at аÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±½á¹û.

Contact her at 314-977-3415 or jeanmarie.cox@slu.edu.

Enrollment Analytics and Territory Development

Enrollment Analytics and Territory Development (EATD) leverages data-driven analytics to assist with the identification and development of student program opportunities, particularly for boosting enrollment of new students and diverse student populations and ensuring current student success in existing degree programs. 


Enrollment Analytics and Territory Development strives to expand access to Saint Louis University by an increasingly diverse and global student body, connecting University outreach and resources with a broad array of communities currently less represented in the existing student body.


enrollment analytics and territory development seeks opportunities to forge connections with U.S. and international partners for better serving the needs of traditional and non-traditional students and alumni around the globe. We are guided by "an unwavering commitment to a higher purpose, a greater good."

About Ryan Klotz

Ryan Klotz is SLU's director of enrollment analytics and territory development. Before joining аÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±½á¹û, he served as senior research associate at Saint Louis Community College and as a data scientist for several text analytics consulting firms in the greater Washington D.C. area. He received his Ph.D. in Comparative Sociology from Florida International University in 2012 and has held a deep interest in social science research methods and analysis ever since. 

Contact him at 314-977-7375 or ryan.klotz@slu.edu.

International Services

The Office of International Services (OIS) promotes overall international student success and a global perspective for the SLU community and expands the University’s global engagement with partnership institutions. OIS executes its mission through international student and scholar advising, compliance with federal regulations, orientation programs, social and cultural activities, and management of SLU’s study abroad and exchange programs.


The Office of International Services exists to promote the globalization efforts and mission of аÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±½á¹û and the Enrollment Management division. As a Jesuit, Catholic institution, аÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±½á¹û is committed to intercultural communication and cross-cultural understanding. The Office of International Services challenges and supports the growth of all members of the University as leaders with a global perspective.


International Services is dedicating to creating and maintaining supportive relationships with international students/scholars that will support and enhance their time at Saint Louis University and contribute to the successful completion of their work within this institution. The office is also focused on helping students build skills and knowledge they can use to form relationships when they study abroad, in order that they may grow academically and personally.

About Luchen Li, Ph.D.

Luchen Li, Ph.D., serves as associate vice president for global engagement and international enrollment. He has fifteen years of leadership in global education and over 20 years on the faculty at Carnegie R1 public and private universities as well as STEM institutions. As a senior international officer and a faculty member, Li has coordinated the designing and implementation of institutional strategies for regional and global campuses in the U.S. and overseas. He has played leading roles in internationalizing university campuses by building partnerships with academic institutions, industries, government agencies and organizations. Li served as a think-tank member for the national IIE Generation Study Abroad initiative, President of Maryland International Education Consortium, and President of International Society of Steinbeck Scholars.

Pre-College and Access Programs (PCAP)

Pre-College and Access Programs (PCAP) coordinates SLU's noncredit activities for elementary, middle and high school students of all backgrounds. PCAP collaborates with University units to offer a variety K–12 academies, camps and enrichment experiences that align with SLU academic disciplines.

Each program is designed to ensure a safe, enjoyable and learning-focused experience that will help prepare students for college while experiencing campus life at Saint Louis University.


Pre-College, Access and TRIO Programs promotes educational opportunity, success, persistence and graduation with first-generation, low-income students, students from underrepresented groups and those whose academic preparation may not have thoroughly prepared them for college and career success.


We engage the greater St. Louis community to cultivate and celebrate learning at all levels to further the mission of the Division of Enrollment Management and Saint Louis University.



As a unit, we empower students for college and career success.

Student Educational Services

Housed within PCAP, Student Educational Services (SES) hosts student learning, and personal development activities focused on fostering academic excellence among first-generation college students, students from low and modest incomes and students from underrepresented groups. Programs administered by SES assist targeted SLU students and St. Louis metro area junior and high schools and include the U.S. Department of Education's TRIO programs.

About Lindsay Gonterman

Lindsay Gonterman is the interim director for the Pre-College, Access and TRIO Programs department and the director of the Students' Opportunity for Achievement and Resources (SOAR) program. Lindsay has worked at SLU for 13 years and earned her Master of Social Work from SLU in 2010. Lindsay has a passion for working within the educational opportunity space, focusing on supporting high-touch students throughout their college journey. Outside of work, Lindsay is working on completing her Ph.D. in higher education administration and, more importantly, is the mother of two young children who keep her running and tired. 

Office of Student Financial Services 

The Office of Student Financial Services assists students and their families in financing their SLU education. Financial aid counseling, eligibility determination and processing are combined with billing, payment planning, loan collections and financial literacy programs to offer students affordable and equitable options.


The Office of Student Financial Services is committed to balancing the mission and margin goals of аÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±½á¹û and the Division of Enrollment Management by addressing the affordability, access and choice of education.


The Office of Student Financial Services is a model office whose functions are student-centered and process-focused and merges customer service and fiscal responsibility. Innovation and development of best practices support diversity initiatives, collaborations and accountability. Services are provided with the highest integrity and concern for the students' needs as well as compliance requirements. Undergraduate, graduate and professional students are each assigned a specific counselor.

Summer Studies 

The Office of Summer Studies supports SLU's academic units in their efforts to increase participation in credit-bearing courses, professional development programs, K-12 academic opportunities and international immersion experiences offered during the summer semester. The unit coordinates, supports and provides centralized promotion to a wide range of summer camps, academies, conferences, events, international immersion programs, workshops and college readiness opportunities through the Summer At SLU campaign.


To support, develop, implement and highlight the numerous summer opportunities for K–12 students, encourage a diverse range of high school and college students to take advantage of summer course offerings, serve as a destination for summer international immersion programs and adult workshops, and to host local/national conferences and events.


To increase awareness and knowledge of summer opportunities at аÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±½á¹û amongst K-12 and college students as well as internationally and with our surrounding community. In addition, to raise the bar on summer programming in the St. Louis metropolitan area in an effort to make Summer At SLU programs the standard by which others are measured.

About Troy Hargrove

Troy Hargrove is the associate dean of admission for the School for Professional Studies and oversees summer programs at аÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±½á¹û. He has over ten years of experience working in higher education, with past roles at аÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±½á¹û including Director of the Career Resources Center and Associate Director of Graduate Business Programs in the Richard A. Chaifetz School of Business.

Throughout his career at SLU, he has been known as the face and voice of the MBA Program and has had the pleasure of representing the business school in Hong Kong and with Warren Buffet on multiple occasions. In addition, he has been the President of the SLU Staff Advisory Committee (twice) and President of the Graduate Business Student Services Association, an organization serving the needs of graduate student services professionals from universities and colleges across the country.

He earned his Bachelor of Arts in organizational studies and Master of Business Administration degrees from аÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±½á¹û. He currently serves as membership chair of the North Central Conference on Summer Sessions (NCCSS) and as the North Central Assistant Regional vice president for the North American Association of Summer Sessions (NAASS).

Contact him at 314-977-3431 or troy.hargrove@slu.edu.

Office of the University Registrar 

The Office of the University Registrar maintains the official academic records for аÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±½á¹û, including course registrations, grade transcripts and diplomas. It administers institutional academic policies and procedures related to said records. Classroom scheduling, operational student reporting and student information system training/access are also coordinated through the Office of the University Registrar, along with the EM Testing Center.


The Office of the University Registrar will support the core values and mission of аÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±½á¹û and the Division of Enrollment Management by facilitating the smooth transition of students from matriculation to graduation and serving the non-student community through ensuring adherence to academic and university policy, preserving academic and data integrity, safeguarding academic and customer records, and providing accessible and reliable administrative services.


The Office of the University Registrar strives to meet the diverse needs of students, faculty, administration, alumni and the community by providing efficient services in a courteous, fair and equitable manner.

EM Testing Center

The Testing Center provides convenient opportunities for students to take essential standardized qualifying examinations. аÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±½á¹û is a national test center for the following computer-based tests: GRE, TOEFL, CLEP, MoGEA and MAT. The center also provides opportunities to take a number of standardized tests in conventional paper format, including the GED and CBASE.

Office of Clinical Education Compliance

The Office of Clinical Education Compliance coordinates the procurement of criminal background checks for аÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±½á¹û. This includes serving the academic departments requiring students to gain field experience with external partners through clinical study and practicum experiences. This also includes all new faculty/staff hired at аÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±½á¹û as part-time, full-time and summer employees/volunteers.

About Jay Haugen

Jay Haugen became the University Registrar in December 2010. He is a longtime Billiken; he has been a аÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±½á¹û employee since he completed his undergraduate studies in mathematics and theology at аÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±½á¹û. In 2008, he earned his Master of Business Administration from the Richard A. Chaifetz School of Business and is currently pursuing a Doctor of Philosophy in Higher Education Administration.

Before serving as the University Registrar, he served as director of enrollment management information systems. In that role, he standardized the student daily reporting and completed numerous process improvement projects. He began his career at Saint Louis University in the office of student financial services as a senior information specialist and later became their technology coordinator.

In addition to his duties in the enrollment management division, he serves on numerous University-wide committees that afford him opportunities to collaborate with faculty and staff from every corner of the campus.

Contact him at 314-977-2269 or jay.haugen@slu.edu.